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.Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ' 9:23 AM Y

Timmy's engaged!!!
ahahaha. Bet you find the title funny. I do too. But that day when I went to my best friend's house, (we were friends since K1!!!) Timmy and her female dog Cherry, "interacted well" . So we decided to engage them.
So we wrote the certificates and stuff. It was all very silly but fun to do.
Since we only meet once a year as we are in diffrent schools, we agreed that Timmy and Cherry "get married" in her house. ahahaha..
Its just for fun really, its not going to be a real marrige... Timmy can't mate. He's nuteured.
Well, but I figured that the dogs really liked each other as they seemed really happy about it. Timmy had that dazed look on his fae on our way home.... ahahahaha...


.Friday, December 26, 2008 ' 3:50 PM Y

Heard that the cedar ppl had their orientation today.
SCGS's is on the first three days of school. Just really looking forward to it.:)
Still, I've been thinking tat i'll be quite lonely there as there is only 3 6A ppl (including me) and some 6B ppl there. And I am not tat close to the two 6A ones.

Anyway, I watch "MingZhongZhuDing" with my sis today. We have reached the 22 episode of 30. Its soooo nice!!!! Best show I have ever watched. The story line so ganren.
Quite funny but also can be quite sad...
I think I watch 100 times also wun get sick.


.Monday, December 22, 2008 ' 3:26 PM Y

Great! Only 10 more days till first day of school! :) I'm really excited.
Tried on my uniform again. Good thing I did cos the belt is too lose. My sis joked that it looks as if can " sai yi zhi ji" (stuff a chicken) in the space. My mum helped me to alter it.
The SC orientation will last for 3 sch days. My sis says it will be fun. But I'm a slightest bit worried as there will be a large no. of affliated students.
Nevertheless I am still real excited. Merry Christmas to all. :)


.Saturday, December 20, 2008 ' 1:08 PM Y

Yesterday I went to report at SCGS at 8.30am with my mum and dad.I met jodie and kelsey( 6B)but din see Xinying. Then I went to the counter to hand in my report book and get my HCL form. Then we went into the auditorium for the briefing.
The khoo auditorium was quite cold but very clean and comfortable. In fact, the entire school campus is quite nice and clean.
Then, we went to buy books. The system is really efficient. We lined up in the HCL queue and they just handed us a large " crate" with all the required books including sch badge, calculator, art set, files, etc. Cool rite"?
I just bought my uniform today cos there were too many ppl yesterday. SCGS dress code quite strict. You have to wear the standard SCGS socks and home jackets are not allowed on cold days! You are only allowed to wear the SCGS sweater. Luckily its a nice jacket!:)
But the good thing is, you do not need to tuck in your PE shirt!!!
The inconvinient part was trying on the uniform. First, I tried size 34 and it was too tight. Next, I tried 36 and it was almost dragging on the floor! So in the end I took 35.

BTW, I don't know what Class I am in. will fing out on the first day of school...


.Thursday, December 18, 2008 ' 2:28 PM Y

Seems like most ppl got into their dream school! Congrats to all. I got into SCGS, same as my sister, Shermin, who is now pre-u. (She just left NJC)
Well, I suppose I will enjoy being in SCGS as its okay, not to stressful. My sis also said tat the ppl there are really friendly and I dun have to worry abt the large no. of affliated students.
Anyway, I think after we separate, we can still meet out one day for lunch or something so we can see each other in our new sch uniform. :)
I am really excited. BTW, my mum wants me to audition for SCGS dance and quit the hokkien centre one. But I was thinking of trying other CCA instead.
:D Smiles!


.Tuesday, December 16, 2008 ' 12:32 PM Y

Great! I am now looking foward to many things: Class party, Christmas, S1 posting results , first day of school... and most of all, my cousin's visit to singapore! My aunt, uncle tim & cousin aren will be coming on the 19 feb 09 and I'm very very very very ..... excited!
We will be takin him to the zoo shsopping malls, parks and best of all, they'll be staying in our house for 2 weeks!!!
He's really cute. I've talked to him over the phone and seen his photos. That time he call and said : " Hi nnon cheh cheh! ........ Aren put bicky(biscuit) in wagon... give it a ride!( his wagon is attatched to his trike)." Cute isn't he?
I am really excited about the coming events. I wish time would pass faster.


.Saturday, December 13, 2008 ' 11:32 AM Y

Last week my aunt took my sis & I to JB malaysia. Just walk in ( as in I didn't stay over) got some new clothes and tibits.
Then my dad's friend lend me PSP for the holidays. The games are not bad, really realistic.
Yesterday went library and borrowed some books.
You know I got really obssesed with " forensic heroes" so I borrowed all the forensic mystery books .
On thurs I went to my mums office where my sis is also doing filing for five days and she got paid $250. I helped my sis with her job. Quite fun. Moreover, my very kind sis gave me $20 of her salary for helping her. I will be using it to buy Christmas Presents for my family.


.Wednesday, December 10, 2008 ' 8:48 AM Y

Yay! I finally installed a tagbox. Pls tag. (Just click" conversations" below)
Anyway, I just had performance on Sun at the Nanyang Acedemy for fine arts. SIEN! My class was the second last item. We sat at the dressing room- No,wait. The dressing room was full. We sat at a extremely stuffy room intead and waited for about 2h before our turn. There, I saw a room with a very wierd and somewhat funny sign on it. It says" BEWARE OF ORCHESTRA PIT!" Wonder what that means. :D

BTW, I went for a haircut on Mon. Again it was very boring. But it was worth it. Not so inconvinent as it is only like a bit below my shoulder.

Oh yah, anyone watch " MingZhongZhuDingWoAiNi" ?( sorry no Chinese Star so can't type in CL) Its very nice.



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