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.Saturday, January 31, 2009 ' 9:15 AM Y

About a month has passed since school reopened. I am getting used to everything.
Our canteen food is actually quite good. We have Hor Fun , Lor mee , Laksa, Prawn noodles , Nuggets, Fried Pasta, Sushi, Japanese Curry Rice , Mee Reubus, Western food etc... :D

I also got used to the classrooms, auditoriums, labs, kitchen and so on.

Anyway, I like my classroom very much. Its small but not too cramped. Its cozy but also cooling.



. ' 8:54 AM Y

Yayy! Only 19 more days before my Aunt, Uncle Tim and my cousin Aren comes to S'pore! I am soooo excited! We'll be going to the school and maybe Sentosa. And on the 25th is the Malacca Trip. I'm so excited I feel the time is passing so slowly. :D


.Thursday, January 29, 2009 ' 2:38 PM Y

You know , something really wierd happened today. The CCA posting results are in and I got into ... Gym?? !!
Its wierd cuz in the CCA form we must select one from each catergory : Sports, UG, Performing Arts and Clubs and Societies, Although I opted for Gym in the sports catergory, I did not go for the auditions!!!


.Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ' 1:03 PM Y


SC has given us one day off ! Great O-level results 9 A1s !!!

My sis just uploaded the Pics to my com(of CNY) but I cannot post all cos its not safe to put personala pics. But I suppose my fluffy frens wun mind...

The grey and white one is Buddie. The one with a tie is Timmy and the one in the cage is Lucky.
Aren't they all cute? :)


.Monday, January 26, 2009 ' 8:40 PM Y

Hi Happy CNY !
Just came back frm visiting and there are guests in here so can't talk. : D
See ya!


.Monday, January 19, 2009 ' 2:34 PM Y

Today we had our first gym lesson. It was really fun. ( Though the bar was scary)
First, we had to warm up. We stretch jog on the spot and try to split as far as we can. Then we did stuff like "bridge", and "shoulder stand"

Next, we had to balance on the bar and jump on the squashy mat. That was fun.
Then came the slightly scary part. You know those bars where u do your chin-ups? There was a shorter version of this in the gym. We had to like, push ourselves up with our hands and like flip over. Took me three attempts to do it. It is a bit like being in a washing machine. Then, we had to monkeybar over a higher bar .

The last item was to run quickly and jump on the springboard. You will bouce on the squashy mat thing again.

It was quite fun, really. The teacher says that we are going to do the tramp next week. :D


. ' 2:31 PM Y

Sigh! Our CNY celebration is on this Wed. So no half day on Friday. But still, we have the recess events on Wed like orange eating competition. (1 rep per class). :)


.Friday, January 16, 2009 ' 7:29 PM Y

School life is great. A few days ago we went Bio Lab to light the burner. I strike the match and blew it out immediately when I was suppoesed to hold it over the burner. My lab partner was like laughing like mad. Then we also did a worksheet about lab safety rules which involed Spongebob lighting a bunsen burner. I said that if Spongebob tried lighting a bunsen burner, the flame would probably go out. (geddit?)

We also had home econs on Tuesday. We had to wear our special SC apron and a cap while cooking. We cooked ommellete and made an ommellete sandwich. :)
It was really fun . We will be cooking porridge and baking cookies next lesson.


. ' 7:21 PM Y

Hi!! Have not posted in a long time. Just wanna say...



.Tuesday, January 6, 2009 ' 5:49 PM Y

Orientation Day 3 ( Last Day of orientation)

Today was the last day of Orientation. The day started with the initiation ceremony, followed by a talk about character building.
Next was class adminstration, where we did the admin work and interacted. Then it was the ten minute break.
Next was class time. We went to our first lab lesson. My lab partner is a malay called Natalia. We were briefed on the lab rules. We were to wear goggles while doing experiments. Then, we were introduced to the bunsen burner (did u know the bunsen burner was invented by someone called Bunsen?), which we would be lighting by ourselves the next lesson.
Next, it was recess.
Then after that, we went back to class. Due to the lack of time, we did not go to the Kitchen for home econs.. But our teacher was really nice and funny.

After this was the clubs and societies briefing followed by lunch .

After lunch, we followed our PSLs for the CCA walk about in which we sign up for varoius CCAs we are interested in. Everyone was to sign up for all the CCAs we are interested in and go for the auditions. ( Each person can sign up for as many as she wants as long as the auditions dun clash)

As for me, I signed up for Photography, Dance try-outs, and Handbells audition.
In the end, I will choose ONE of the above only.

The walkabout was really fun! We got to know places of the school better. The library is an air-conditioned, two storied, area. Then I found the place I hated most- the dental clinic...
The NCC "booth" was the best, though I was not interested in it. We watched the foot drill and went into a dark room filled with fake trees and plants. We had to crawl underneath the "shrubs" and got scared by the NCCs who were lying there , pretending to be dead and one of them was pointing a fake rifle at those who passed. (The room was really dark)

After the walkabout was the closure. Then we went home .

Anyway, did I tell u that I will be going to Malacca with the rest of the Sec ones for 3D2N( I think) at around Late feb to early march? I am real excited!!! :D


.Monday, January 5, 2009 ' 5:31 PM Y

Orientation day 2:

Today was another fun but tiring day in SCGS. The day started with the learning of school cheers, which was really fun watching the seniors do cos they do until very enthu.
Next was class admintration. Our form teacher asked all the pupils sitting beside the balcony thing(I am one of them) to open the balcony doors which I hear her call french windows.
Then the head prefect came in to talk about sch rules.
At 9.00 we went for the initiation ceremony rehearsal , which was supposed to help welcome the Sec 1s and Sec 3 scholars.

After that, it all became really exciting and fun. Do continue reading if u want to.

Next we went to play games like human knot, Whacko , Splat , A School Quiz thing, etc.
Then, it was finally lunch time. I ate the spicy fried macaroni, which tasted quite good and drank a pack of milo. Then, I went to the Swings outside the Amphitheatre with a friend and then back to class to get a drink from my water bottle with Xinying .

Then, we went to the Khoo Auditorium to watch the Performing Arts CCA perform and promote their CCAs. I would probably be trying Handbells or Dance. The Dance consists of Tap, Jazz, Hip-hop and ahem.. ballet. The Drama and Choir performance was most entertaining. We played " Don't forget the lyrics - SC style " with songs like " I'm yours" , "Mamamia" And a song by Michael Bubble.
And u know what? I have to attend the 8 session swimming course cos I can't swim!!

But anyway, after that, we are sorted into different groups with different class ppl to play Mini Amazing race. We played games like Secret passage, Dog and bone and the Newspaper Game.

After that, we had a cheer competition before ending the day.


.Sunday, January 4, 2009 ' 5:18 PM Y


.Friday, January 2, 2009 ' 5:36 PM Y

Today was my first official day at SCGS.
I checked my class at the lobby first. I am in 1CO (courage) , same class as xinying. Then I went over to the courtyard to assemble.
After the briefing, we went to our classes. WOW! I really mean it. Wow. Our own private classroom! With air-conditioners installed. Xian mu right?? ahahah... But we don't turn it on usually, only under special conditions. haha..
But we usually open the Balcony door. Which overlooks a beautiful garden and Malcom Street.
There were many foreigners in my class, from America, Myanmar, Taiwan etc. Then there was the usual Self-into.(Argghhhh!!!)

next we went to "The gallery" to play games. First game was " trees and squirrels", followed by " The signature game" then a game called " Guess the celebrity"
It is a game where we form a circle, then there is a person in the middle wearing a party hat with the post it with a name of a celebrity stuck to the hat. So the other people had to do actions or give clues to the person in the middle so she can guess who the celebrity is.
One of them was" Ashley Tisdale" and one brave soul actually sang the "fabulous" song and the person guessed correctly.

Then it was the commencement assembly. It was really cold in the shaw hall and I left my Windcheater in the classroom. So i had to bear with it.
Up next was recess, which lasted 40 minutes. I ate a pack of Chipsmore as I didn't know what esle to eat.

After recess was the briefing, then lastly, the Orientation Banner decoration.

Finally, the day ends. Whew! So tiring...



Age:have fun guessing
Hobbies: Playing guitar & Electone, Drawing, Blogging

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