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.Friday, July 24, 2009 ' 9:10 PM Y

YAYYEEE !!!!!! 命中注定我爱你 is going to show on TV starting 4th August!!!! I wanna watch again cause it really ROCKS!!!! haahhah... Oh man this is not like me (: Its very very very ...(x10) awesome ! haha... LOL


.Tuesday, July 21, 2009 ' 7:06 PM Y

Went to do CIP with Natalia , Charmaine and Amirah at Yishun on Sunday. OUr job was to "scoop" food for the elderly, wrap the cutlery etc. for the elderly. haha, quite interesting larhs. After that, we took bus to North point to meet our parents. I met my parents at the Golden Village Building to watch Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. Good Movie but could have been better if they din change that much of the story.

But before that, I followed by parents to the Japanese Food Court and it is so awesome. super cool larhs. everything is japanese themed. Not that I am crazy about Japanese stuff but the place is really very nice. LOL

North Point is a nice place in the whole. ( Or maybe because I am too sick of TPY central and J8 LOL ) i told Natalia I have never been to North Point and she was like " Wow, where have you been?"

Kays. got to go alr. haha..


.Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ' 2:48 PM Y

As I said, I will try to keep this blog alive, so i shall update. (: LOL

Yesterday's gym training is a bit different. We rehearsed for the national day item thing so we din jump tramp. The gym is like much cleaner now larhs. We did pyramid with the artistic gymmers. At first I tried taking the middle of the pyramid but I kept trembling so the people below cannot hold me up. So I swapped positions with someone. :P

The artistic gymmers pro larh, can dive like about 2 metres and still managage an awesome foward roll ( dunno wat its called actually) .

sien larh, I din get A1 for my geog and hist anymore. I only mantain math. I now thats very very very very very unexpected although its not that good. But whats most anoyying is that for both Geog and Hist, I was only 1 mark away from A1! Arhh.. Must buck up.

Anyway, we must wear ethnic costumes to racial harmony next week haha...


.Wednesday, July 8, 2009 ' 3:32 PM Y

We did assignment on disney/dreamworks music videos today . There a really sweet one :
search youtube "brother bear on my way" . Love it so much :) all the brother bear songs are really good . Koda is really cute.


.Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ' 6:35 PM Y

haha I feel like posting today. Cause I finished my history essays!!! :] I did it till past 11pm last night only to find that it is not collected today. LOL But at least I am done with it. :)
I packed my room and got started on the NEreflection thing. haha..I feel so

Anyway, after packing my room, I found some very interesting photos, diary entries and stuff haha. And my wardrobe is finally neat. (Not completely though :P )

Btw, today's tingkat dinner doesn't look very good. lOl


.Sunday, July 5, 2009 ' 10:36 PM Y new guitar....



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