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.Sunday, May 31, 2009 ' 7:39 PM Y

Oh just remembered. Here is the tesselation thing LOL. Seems easy but one took like 1 hr . Quite fun larhs. But can be a bit slow towards the end.
That the duck, pelican, anything you think it is larhs haha.


. ' 7:22 PM Y

Woah. Really have not posted in a long time. After all it was a busy week.

Holidays at last larhs. Seemed ages since the last one.

We were told to take home everything only one day before the hols so everyone stuffed their stuff into bags and paper boxes. My dad came to fetch me and I got Xinying to tompang ( Take a lift). And we had lunch at the lor 6 hawker center with the awesome meepok. LOL.

Anyway, guitar update! I found the chords for This is what dreams are made of by Hillary Duff. Though not the whole song. Actually, I am just working with very basic chords so its nothing that great. BTW, if you know C, G, Am, A, G7, F, D7, DM7, D, Em, A7 can play a lot of songs alr .

I wish I had a new guitar though. The small one so high pitched. But NVM larhs. So ex for a guitar now.

Have you ever tried a game called the impossible quiz? Its not impossible but its really really really hard. :D

Erms.. Can't think of anything else to say. LOL . bye.


.Monday, May 25, 2009 ' 4:48 PM Y

LOl. Have not posted in a long time.

I can say that today was a rather lousy day. First, I got my name taken down because I left my thermometer in the bag I brought for module last week. I am not sure if my reason is good but I doubt so. I hope I don't get demerit points or something. :(

Then, I stoned and "blurred" through PE. Probably because I couldn't sleep last night.

Also, we had the heath screening which we sat waiting for like 40 mins plus. But at least my degree didn't increase. For 1 year plus. haha. Broke record.


.Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ' 2:34 PM Y

Hey. Have not posted in a long time.
This week is E-learning and enrichment. just came back from school after the tessellations ( module 2) It was okay. Quite interesting.
I tesselated a general or pilot, (whichever). and an angel. Lol

Anyway, sth real "scary" happened last night. I took a sip out of my dad's coke as he usually didn't mind me sharing his drinks. But that was a big mistake. Apparently, my dad added wine into it. I only realised something was wrong after I swallowed. It sorta (in my opinion) make your throat burn. Arh... Luckily it was only a sip.

I learnt how to play Teardrops on my guitar on the well, guitar. LOL. But I don't know the full lyrics.

Hiaz. Have to go. Bye...


.Monday, May 11, 2009 ' 9:53 AM Y


Yesterday was mothers' dae right? We had a mini celebration eating curry fishhead (LOL) which the spiciness made me tear. It didn't use to be so spicy lehs.

And we had this super cute durian cake ( Literaly) LOL

So cool right? haha . :D


.Saturday, May 9, 2009 ' 8:50 PM Y

Yesterday was NAPFA 5-items. It was okay. But I got a "D" for 2.4. km. Arhhh... so wasted lorhs. hiaz NVM. I have never been good at sport stuff.

Anyway, today waas family day. Its really rare that everyone is free.

We went out to Jurong point for shopping and I got a new wallet cause my old one is a little dirty and the keychain is rusty. Yay! Nice new wallet. haha

When we passed by the stage, they were hosting a game show by SONY. They said that the first one to find a spider at the top left hand side of the $2 note and runs on stage will get a prize. So we see the whole crowd holding up notes and squinting. Quite Funny lorhs hahahaha....

After shopping we went to West Coast Park ( Yep again). To fly kites again. Whohoo. Got the pictures this time. But I think you must zoom them . And I even took some "艺术照". ( If you can't see the words its " Artistic Photos" LOL

My gosh, when we got there, there were alr many kites in the air.

This is the kite expert. Again, you have to zoom. He is the one in black controlling the paratoy. ( the parachute like thing)

This is the one (the orange and yellow one) my aunt's australian husband made for us when he came to S'pore in February. ( Aren's Dad) Another kite and flying models pro.
Heres my family. (and myself LOL)

Yeap. The one in dark blue is me. But the Doraemon is NOT my kite. Here's mine:

The bright orange one:

And this is a cute kite which is a bear on a parachute. haha

Here are some other real random pictures:

Some of which I took lying down on the mat. (top)
Yaye Ripples. My sister bought them for me with her pay. LOL . You're AWESOME cheh. :D
I even got the sunset!
So after that we went to Bukit timah to have dinner before coming home.
Yay. Had so much fun today! :D :D
Oh don't forget to wish all the mums a happy mother's day. LOL haha.


.Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ' 5:23 PM Y

It was raining super heavily this morning. On my way to e bus stop, I saw something and tried to keep seriously calm. A BIG BRIGHT ORANGE WORM. I skipped that step ( oh did I mention I was climbing staircase?). Then I was thinking , ohmygosh.... please don't let me see another worm.... And I was checking the floor every now and then.

Despite having an umbrella, my skirt and my bag got really wet.

Anyway two more days to prefect nominations. I dunno who to vote lehs. But I think I have 5 in mind. Hiaz, I dunno lehs. Only have 3 options...
Rachel Tan says must put friendship aside. But hey, I did. I'll be honest. I'm not really close with whoever I will probably vote. My good friends are great buddies and it doesn't really matter if they are prefects or not.

Me, Xinying, Rachel Tan, Rosemary and Yuting stayed back to do project. At first, dunno what happended but everyone started becoming very fierce. We were like ," Yoi, put here!!!!" ., "Cut properly larhs.." and the one I received - " Harhs, you dropped number 3??!!!" ( Haha.. The ppl mentioned above would noe what "number 3 is" .

Then, there was a super scary silece. ( Crow flies by)

After that, everyone became super crazy and we laughed and laughed throuhout the project. and I realised that my actions were becoming increasingly stupid.
Very unexpectedly, it tured out...


Haha LOL. Thanks Rosemary for the little help. :D

K enough of school stuff. This morning, I woke up the earliest ( I always do) haha. Light sleeper larhs. I went to the balcony to get my class tee and towel etc. bathing stuff. I saw this flash past from the corner of my eye. I thought it was my mum but when I procceeded to the bedroom toilets, I saw my mum still sleeping.....

Argh... It happened again in the toilet. I told my PW group about this and they firgured that it was probably my hair...

Hmm... But I really miss the days Germ and I keep scaring each other. ( Right Germ? ) LOL

And I miss my Pri. Sch. CCA. Although it can be boring, at least I am a little good at it. But I have never practiced for a long time. Much less go for comp. But the comps. are always fun. And I had great CCA mates.

Thats all larhs....haha bye


.Saturday, May 2, 2009 ' 9:13 PM Y

Today was Gym CIP. There are other volunteers from SCGS, RGS, AJ, ACSI, RI, NYGH, etc.
We had to collect old newspapers and other items in good condition for Mercy Relief. We went around in groups of about 15, I think and split into smaller groups of 3 or 2.
Each big group did 5 blocks.

Its was basically okay, but we had nothing for the first block. I don't think anyone is awake 9.00am on Saturday morning lorhs. And we got barked. (Gr....wawrf ) by about 6 different dogs.
And had the door slammed in our face twice.

But anyway, everyone was super tired after that. I couldn't make it to the Gym lunch though. Anyway, it was McDonalds. Now I understand how my sister felt when she and her friends went to KAP Macdonalds to study for her As.
But its big, spacious and the staff leave you alone. So its ideal for studying or project or gathering.

I was quite tired after the CIP. So after I reached home at about 4, I took a nap, did homework, studied for test. Then we went West Coast again at about 6.00 .

Yaye, and we had an awesome new kite!!! I managed to get it super high in the air until there wasn't anymore string. We met this super nice and friendly indian kite pro and he though us how to properly fly a kite. He had this huge one that looks like a paragliding uh..thing, and needed two hands to control. He said that if I were to hold it, I would probably be lifted of the ground.

West coast is the best. You get to see all the family bonding and stuff. And its the biggest park in S'pore. ( Yep, even bigger than East Coast. ) And its more peaceful even though there are many poeple.

my mum says we can go every Sat evening if I finished all my homework on Friday and studies on Sat afternoon. Yay!!!


.Friday, May 1, 2009 ' 7:44 PM Y

Woah. Labour Day was Awesome!

I get to sleep late, till 8.30 am , haha. After Breakfast, Did some homework and took a bath.

Then, my parents brought me to East Coast too meet Xinying, Rosemary and Yuting. We had lunch at McDonalds before going to the koisk to rent our roller blades.

At McDonalds, I let Xinying and Rosemary listen to "Virtual Barber" on my MP3 which was a prize from a lucky draw . The reaction was positively funny. Xinying was like laughing and laughing the whole way while Rosemary took the earpiece out when it reached the razor part. But my reaction was also like that the first time I listened to it ( So Dun worry Rosemary) : D
Actually, You can find the soundtrack on Youtube. But it only works with earphones or headphone. Is super funny.

Yuting's dad helped us to rent them. ( Thanks Uncle) We practiced at the beginner's range before going on the main course. Then Xinying was like : " Let's do a twosome" So she held on to my bag and I started first. Then she said " I think you have to go faster than us "
I was super shocked " Huh!? Us? Oh my gosh, who's behind you ?!!"
Xinying was like " Hahaha... Everybody." But foursome turned out really fun.

I managed not to fall. Like Yay.

After that, we went back to McDonald's for a drink and talked till about 4.oo and Xinying and Rosemary went off, followed by Yuting and her Dad. Then my parents.

my mum asked me if I want to go west coast park for kite flying. (like they always do on saturday mornings) It was meant to be a joke but I was like " yay! 可以 arh?"And so we went.
I have nerver flown a kite before. LOL

West Coast was Awesome!!! I found out that there was a rental koisk. I told Xinying there wasn't cos the website says so. I don't think its updated. Not only there is a bicycle and skates rental, there was a go cart rental. On the sign I saw " Suitable for people aged 5-99" LOl

And there are 8 playgrounds( toddlers case), or obstacles in all. 3 was for toddlers while 5 was for teenagers to adults. So cool right.

At about 6.45, we headed home cause there was no wind anymore and it would soon be too dark to see the kite.

On the car ride home, I realised that I just travelled across Singapore.

Surprisingly I am not tired at all. Think I'll do some homework. Don't wanna "Chong" through on Sunday like last week. :)



Age:have fun guessing
Hobbies: Playing guitar & Electone, Drawing, Blogging

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