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.Thursday, April 30, 2009 ' 12:31 PM Y
I'm in school now. Its CS free time. I dunno which website to surf so just post.
Just got yuanwang by the teacher. Scold me in front of the class. It was just some miscommunication.
But anyway, my family actually planned a trip to KL in June but because of Swine Flu, we decided not to go anymore. Yoiz, so I'll be home alone everyday in June. Worse , from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening. Timmy doesn't really keep me company. He prefers time alone under my sister's bed.
LOL. byes
.Sunday, April 26, 2009 ' 6:12 PM Y
Just finished researching for the Nile River thing. So I thought I'll post.
Yesterday was the PTD session, so I left Gym 10 mins earlier. Mdm Wahida passed me and my mum my report book and asked if I was happy with my results. I said no. Maybe that was a bit direct but it was honest. Chuang Lao shi commented that I was very careless. It was the worst comment I got but it was true.
There was this incident that happened about a month or so ago :
It was after gym and I was struggling with many things in my hand. Uniform, handphone, books , waterbottle , watch etc. After walking to the foyer, I realised I left my books in the gymnasium. Sabrina was with me then, I don't remember why, and she stopped to talked to zhengyi at the basketball court and told me that she will go back to the foyer later. So I left my stuff ( bag, waterbottle and uniform ) outside the court( bus bay) and went to get the coach to open the door.
I got my books, thanked the coach and rushed out while stuggling to wear my watch. Then I carried my bag and went to look for sabrina. ( Hmm... what did I forget? can you guess?)
.... Arghh!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! My uniform!!! I panicked like siao and sabrina was like " Yoiz!"
So I retraced my steps to get the uniform.
How Careless. hahahaha LOL.
Back to present time....
I went to central to meet my parents after service today and bought Old Chang Kee curry puff caouse I didn't really fill like eating anything too filling for lunch. Then we went back home . ( That was a bit redundant . LOL)
But my point is, I left my phone at home so I didn't know I received 5 missed calls. So I found out that YanShen was the one who called me saying that he saw me in blue shirt buying sth frm Old Chang Kee. LOl. I din see him .
K larhs, I shall not ChangPianDaLun anymore. Bye
.Thursday, April 23, 2009 ' 5:56 PM Y

Today we had music lesson at imac lab. I had a lot of trouble with the keyboard and the score I didn't notice I only broght half of my score. Siens! In the end had to play "Mary had a little lamb" . I'll redo it next week. LOL
Anway, The reason I had trouble with the keyboard is that the Electone is completely different. Here's the pic of it ( My guitar 抢尽头 ) haha...
But its a super old model. Nowadays , I think the new ones cost over $10000. (!!!)
So you play the upper key with your left hand and the lower one with your right. So just now in the Imac lab, I asked Natalia : Can we just play right hand? Then Natalia was like "???"
Then you can put in a diskettee into the slot to get the tempo and sound effects. So cool right? haha...
But now I play it only once in a while. Rusty liaoz. But my grade is pretty low. Only 7. (starts from 9, then counting backwards) So... its only like about piano grade 3.
K liaos. Bye.
.Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ' 5:33 PM Y
Today Charmaine tay and Alexia went for CL talentime. Pro lorhs, the both of them. Now I realise , whats the point of knowing how to play the guitar if I can't sing? hmm...but my sister and I can do harmonisation for songs like "Lucky". Anyway, did I mention she is studying Phycology. hahaha... bit scary if she decides to practice on me after term starts in august.
Then during compulsory gym today, I accidentally kicked the coach in the face while trying to do a handstand. Luciky I still made it in the end,Yay!!! LOL
Anyway, I realised the dentist has started "dragging" ppl to the clinic already. I shouldn't be scared of the dentist at Sec one but there is a reason behind it lorhs. Let me tell you a story. 很久很久以前.... Yoiz, I suppose you are sick of this typical storytelling beginning. :D So I'll go straight to the point. I once had an irritating needle thing( I honestly don't know what its called) Stuck in the back of my left hand (actually,its only for a few hours. hahahaha) And wearing braces at P3-4 is not normal. But its so long ago alr, so I can only remember parts of it. But I'm not really bothered by it anymore.
On the positive side, I finally did a face drop on the tramp!!! But the senoir say must do it more nicely. Yet I can't to sit drop twist properly. Diaoz...
I also want to introduce to you my super handsome and

cute aussie cousin Aren :
This is him at the beach in Aussie, so clean right? So xianmu . haha.

And this is him eating a deolicious looking paper prata at bishan when he came to S'pore in February. I really miss playing with him.
Lastly, I might be going on family trip in june , before my sister goes to Uni. YAY!
.Monday, April 20, 2009 ' 2:20 PM Y
hmm..I notice my life is a bit of a routine.
Goes like this:
1.Buy lunch
2.Go home
3.wash up, maybe take a shower lunch homework/study
7.clear up Timmy's you know what
8.Play guitar
9.Cook rice
10.Take in the dinner
12.prepare dinner
13. have dinner with my mum and my sister after they come home from work TV
15.finish up homework if any/study
16. feed Smartie
17. sleep
hahaha... If there is CCA, it starts from point 10. hahaha...
Anyway, I watched "The Sixth Sense" on Saturday Night. I didn't know it was scary so I got a shock when the ghosts came out. But the storyline was good and the ending was super brilliant.
Pro Director.
But i shouldn't watch these shows too often. Otherwise I would start scaring myself when I am alone at home on weekdays. LOL
Anyway, I found the tabs for Love Story last weekend! My sister helped me to edit it a bit cause some parts sounded funny. Oh and the song by Collin Raye. That one is a bit old though.
I wish I had a proper guitar though. The one that belongs to my dad was gigantic and the strings were tight so it was difficult to press. Mine is not really a guitar . Its a guitarlele, like how you would pronounce ukelele.( Did I spell that correctly?) Just that its a little bigger that the ukelele.
K larhs. Thats all. Byes
.Thursday, April 16, 2009 ' 2:30 PM Y
Hi. No CCA today. In fact, there was no gym for the entire week. A bit sien though.
Todays classes were also very very boring. Then after break I went back to my seat and took my dairy out from my bag. Alexia suddenly said " Shannon, you just glared at me." I was like, "Did I?" Oh my gosh, I just glared at someone without knowing it. Yep, but of course I didn't mean to.
I finally completed the PremiumPro vedio thing during Com studies today. Yay!
Anyway, I saw Rachel and Andrea Yesterday. Me and Xinying took 105 together. Xinying was listening to her MP4. When the bus reached my stop, I saw Rachel boarding the bus . I got down and waved to her. Then I saw Xinying mouth " Rachel?"
I started walking back home when I heard someone calling my name. i waas thinking. "This is freaky. The bus has left , how come I hear someone calling me? " Then someone tapped me. I turned and saw Andrea. I was like " WHOAH!" I really got a scare. I askeed her what she was doing here. Then I realised that was a super typical question...
Andrea sorta waved the oreo ice blended in her hand a bit. She followed rachel to her house and bought Ice blended at the Bubbletea stall.
Hahaha.. so cool.
K. gotta go. being too free feels a little wierd.
.Monday, April 13, 2009 ' 2:53 PM Y
I went to YM church easter event on sat. It was quite fun.
My sister din go for her YF event though. She had to tutor her student in the morning and work in the afternoon.
The event was called " The Dilemma of Lavida Da Visa " It was about an "old" artist , ( he is actually David. haha) who wants to find out how he got the insipration for his painting, so we must find his friends to get clues.
We went around ToaPayoh central to play games and complete tasks to get the clues. I got a little wet while filling balloons with water at toa payoh park. We were supposed to make a sculpture out of balloons and use the water balloons as weight. Then we have to put an egg at the top of the sculpture and it must not fall off.
Then we went to the new block oppposite library to decorate a balloon with shaving cream and sharp tools.
But after that task we had to go back to church cos it started pouring. We managed to complete 4 tasks.
We went to separate classrooms to compile the clues into a skit as . " Lavida Da visa" was "illiterate" .
After performing the skit, the actual one was peformed by the I/Cs. So of course, there was a learning point behind the activities: God is a rightous and just judge and Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our sins. (Good friday was on the day before)
I did not stay for the refreshments though. My dad came to pick me up for dinner.
Ok , really have to go now. Got common test tomorrow.
.Saturday, April 11, 2009 ' 9:06 AM Y
haha.. hi
No gym today, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
Yesterday we went to Thomson Plaza after the Good Friday Church Service. My sister and I went to Yamaha first. Out of curiosity, I looked at the guitar books on sale. My gosh. Most of them are above $30!!! So super ex !! My sister told me to get my scores online instead.
After that , I just walked around with my dad while my mum looked at some clothes to wear to work . I always found shopping for clothes boring.
Then , we went for dinner at the foodcourt. Woah. It changed so much since the last time I was here! I bought the Pepper Lunch Set. (The one you can "cook" your own food)
After dinner, my sister said she wanted to go to the area around jubillee centre (I think) There was a super big This Fashion there. I was like
groans .... But I had an unexpected 收获 there. I found a super nice er.. thing. Its not a shirt but doesn't seem like a dress (Not as if I would wear one) either. haha.. But its really very nice. Muahaha..
So cool..
BTW, I really feel like watching 命中注定 all over again. haha.. But I don't have the time. Its quite long.
Ok larhs. I gotta go.
.Thursday, April 9, 2009 ' 2:14 PM Y
Hmm.. I just swapped my Sunday com time for today cause I have so much to say. Actually, I can use as long as I follow the below rules:
1) Homework done
2) not more than half an hour each time
3) One week max 2h of computer time.
Today was the sports day, or rather sports meet. I took only about 4 mins to get to TPY stadium since its so near to my house. It was a bit dragging but quite fun too. Sec ones had to support the Pri Division red team. So we had to accesorise ourselves with red stuff. I only had a red hairband and a piece of red cloth that I used as a wristband. But they also gave us ribbonsto tie around our right wrists. The more daring ones painted their faces.
We had torch bearers who ran around the track to pass the torch to the other bearers and the cauldron was lit by Mrs Low. Haha... So cool..
The milo truck was here and everybody was entitled to two small cups of milo. But it was super hot at the track lorhs.
The poor NCC people had to stand there for like hours not moving or smiling while some people keep trying to make them laugh. Suddenly, I am really glad I'm not in NCC . (I used to find it so cool) LOL
Then after the event ended, me, Xinying, Rosemary, Yuting and Rachel Tan went to the TPY central McDonalds for lunch. Then they stopped by my house for about 15 mins.
They left about half an hour ago to procceed to Xinying's house.
Anyway, my resgister no. group went for kickboxing yesterday. It was ok but the instructor went so super fast. And it was really hard to keep up.
What happened yesterday that landed me all confused and tired was the home econs thing. I didn't know that I had to collect the cloth today so I stayed back for a bit to finish up with my sewing. In the end, I managed to collect about 10 out of 19 . I think. Then when I went to Mrs Fernandez pigionhole, it was so full that it was impossible to stuff the bulging cloth in, so I went to call her using intercomm but the teacher said she is in a meeting. Then when I went into the staff room, hoping that Ms Chua would help me in some way, another teacher " chased" me out and told me to use the phone. In the end, Rosemary used her " magic hands" to somehow make the cloth " stand " in front of the files in the pigionhole. Whoa. Thanks rosemary.
hahaha ok lorhs. Gotta go liao, bye.
.Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ' 9:26 PM Y
Oh wait, I forgot to mention, I learnt Bad Day and Part of Lucky Feat on the guitar!!!
. ' 9:18 PM Y
haha, I am given like 10 mins online so I'll post a short post.
Got back our second Arithmatic system pop quiz today. Guess what? I failed again. Why? Cause I forgot to simplify!!!Arghh!!! I qould have passed!!!! I forgot to simplify 3 questions! Yoiz.
Then today we cooked sambal dunnowhat fish for home ec and it seriously did not look edible. ( When I plopped it into the pan, something fell out of it then I strongly suspect is some sort of organ. Aw Yuck.) We also cooked Chicken Ponteh which looked too black too to be eaten.
Today there was no CCA as we had to go support the C div artistic Gymnasts at Bishan Sports Complex.
So, my ten mins is up. Good night.
Cheers. :)
.Sunday, April 5, 2009 ' 7:21 PM Y
This is my last time posting until next Sat. Must work harder so I'll not lag. ( Like the coms in Primary school com lab)
I found out that its super difficult to tie up my hair now. So I left it down when I went to church today. Actually, I always do. hahahaha.... Today is palm sunday and the first Sunday of the month, so its combined service.
Anyway, germine, more popularly known as "germ" in the tagboard , told me about an absolutely
amazing coincidence . Her squad mate, Valerie,(I dunno her though) is Alexia's friend. Cooool rite? And guess how she found out? Germ went to my blog, click on Alexia's link. Then, she went to Valerie's blog and saw "Alexia". Out of curiosity, germ clicked it and it linked her to the same Alexia's blog. my gosh! hahahahaha....
Thats not all. Another of her squad mate's fren is Simin !!!! Yoiz! What a small small tiny world!
I super scared of the math test tomorrow. I studied hard for it so hopefully I do well.
ok, gotta go. Wanna shower again. Today was super humid. :D
Cheers :):):)
.Saturday, April 4, 2009 ' 4:38 PM Y
Ting Fang managed the sit-drop twist! Congrats to her. I made it only about like 5 times. hmm.. needs more practice. I got scolded badly by Laoshi cause I use my arm to support while attempting back drop. She was super angry and said " You can break your arm you know??!!"
Anyway, I went to get a haircut at the new but not so new saloon at TPY central.The hairdresser cut until super layered larh. It looks better than last time if I don't tie it up but if I do, there would be the two strands at the sides. I guess I have to hold it up using the orepin. ( Yep. I know 'orepin' sounds funny but if you don't know, they are the super thin pins that are made of ore. LOL)
Ok, I have only half an hour and I now have exactly 1 min more. Gotta go.
.Friday, April 3, 2009 ' 5:33 PM Y
Tip of the week:
A cookie a days keeps the blues away . :D
. ' 2:49 PM Y
Its really sad that I don't have a fireplace at home. If you have one let me know. So I can chuck my math pop quiz right into it. I failed super badly. (BEWARE OF THE ARITHMATIC SYSTEM) Right after that, came another one of those VIPs. (Very irritating papers) I think I might fail again. How demoralising.
Anyway, I really feel like putting music on my blog but its illegal. :(
Ok, back to writting about today. We went to the wanqingyuan place during double HMT today. Its a memorial hall but at least it beats sittng in the classroom and it took my mind of my math. For a breif moment only. SIAN LORH.
YOiz I think I should stop posting in such singlish .
.Thursday, April 2, 2009 ' 2:32 PM Y
haha. Actually, it turns out that there had been some miscommunication between me and the Gym ppl. They really thought I am not going cos I was not wearin' Gym shirt. Anyway, I'm here cos theres no Gym today. haha.
We got our new Blue EZ link cards today and I look so idiotic. The camera man took frm an angle that is slightly frm the bottom so I look FAT. Still can't believe we'll be using this terrible pic for 6 years!!!
.Wednesday, April 1, 2009 ' 2:51 PM Y
I shouldn't be sitting here at this time. :P I should be at CCAB to support the Gym seniors. But
somehow, I am er.. left behind? If thats the word
The other Gym people left before PW ended and I was not told so. It was actually arraged that we went after sch. Maybe they did not know I am going or maybe they forgot. But it is also possible that I am really left behind. So I have no idea on how to get there at all and the comp. would have started if I tried going there myself. I could not contact anybody and I panicked like siao.
Maybe I really should have worn the gym shirt to sch today. :P