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.Thursday, June 25, 2009 ' 4:11 PM Y

Whoah, I thought no one came again today. Good thing I was wrong.
Today's face drop was very disastrous. I keep lunging foward and now my neck hurts.
Anyway, since the radio was on during training, I suddenly heard one of the songs from 命中注定我爱你 yay. I feel like watching it again lehs. :D hahaha.....

I am finally rounding up my holiday HW and I studied for my Geog test. But theres still history left though .


.Saturday, June 20, 2009 ' 3:42 PM Y

Wow haha I noticed that many of the PCPS ppl are quite alike the SCGS ppl.
Cool ... (Dun worry all in positive ways)

Rachel Tan is :Germ [ sociable and quite hyper in a good way]
Rosemary : like Ogin [ Helpful and extremely kind]
Mei Lin : Alicia [enthu and cheery]
Natalia : Heather [ patient and humble]
Joy : Mel [ friendly and positive]
Rachel: Rachel ( Oh haha.. share the sme name too :D) [ Articulate and sociable]
Yuting: Sicong [ Artistic and very artistic)
Ting Fang : Khai Shing [leadership potential and cheerful]

Its really very cool. :D


.Friday, June 19, 2009 ' 7:47 PM Y

Eating Dinner now. Can't finish lehs. I'm still super full from the super huge Subway Tuna Sandwich. ( Parmesean Oreagano bread and for vegetables I had everything except onion and I hadhoney mustard and mayo sause) LOL I always have this combination haha XD Although its 6-inch still so big.

We went to the Chinatown branch cause we went to visit my Aunt at her beauty salon in Lucky Plaza. She does facial and some other stuff that I'm not to sure of.

Then we got two very nice T-shirts. Haha..


.Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ' 4:59 PM Y

Oh my gosh. Do you know what happen today?

Cause the SC gymnasium was being repainted, we had to go HCI for training for the last two weeks of the holiday. But when I went today, I waited until like 8.55 still no one from tramp. I was thinking... No way....

But it is. I was the only one from SC tramp today. So malu larhs. Then I had to join the guys for the training. The senior, apparantly called Timothy so strict. haha. But I guess he teaches well.


.Sunday, June 14, 2009 ' 8:48 PM Y


Went to all the way to Woodlands Library to find the “ 五体不满足”today.There is only two in the libraries in S'pore. LOL Whoah. The library is super nice! Then when I got the book, I went down on the escalator. ( Yep Whaoh eacalator in the library) My mum was like, " you ren zai jiao ni " (someone's calling you)Aparantly, theres sth wrong with my ears. I turned and saw Zi Wei. Opps. I wonder if she's looking for the book too.... :P

Then we went into this music shop and school and I started to look at the guitars. My dad said I know where sells nicer ones...

After we went home, I put down my stuff on the sofa and did not notice anything unusual. ( Aparantly sth wrong with my eys too :P ) After I went into my room, my mum shouted, " Nnon! You fang shen me zai dad de yi zi shang!!??)

So I went out to see. Oh my gosh. New guitar!!!
And guess who paid for it? My sis! Using her own pay!!! Whoah larhs.

It can be plugged into speaker but we didn't have one. LOL . I love it so much. Sounds great!!! :D

K larhs gotta go .


.Friday, June 12, 2009 ' 9:01 PM Y

Oh oh haha.. forgot to mention, I found the chords to "Its not Over "by secondhand seranade and "This is what dreams are made of" by Hillary Duff . LOL . Yay

My blog title inspired by the song by Hillary Duff. LOL " This is what dreams are made of... " I do hope so :P
Oh and my Mum finally agreed to a new guitar!!! Yay! She will bring me to look at the more ordinary acoustic ones after I clear all my holiday homework and study for my tests. :D The ones at Bras Besar are cheaper( abt 60-70) and still good.

Haha.GTG liao. Mum staring.

(haha just kidding) Feeling sleepy :D


. ' 8:28 PM Y

Today was like 6A class gathering.

Went TPY central to meet Mel and Germ for Lunch at 11.45 before meeting the group outside Macs at 12.30. Whoah. The girls didn't really change much but the guys did. I think YanShen grew at least a foot taller larhs. 172!!!! Gar...I'm only like 158 or so. So short.. LOL

We took 31 to Parkway Parade and with the intructions from my grandmother and the street directory, we found the underpass and walked to East Coast. We chucked all our bags on the picnic table and discussed what to do. Actually they wanted to go bowling but the allies were fully booked. LOL

So in the end, we went to seaside to talk, " play sand" , stand in the water and some played volleyball. :D
Then we decided to cycle, most of the girls went on doubles and the guys went on the single bikes. I shared double bike with alicia, Heather shared with JiaQi. Oh yep, germ and Mel were at Road safety park for some NPCC activity and walked here after it ended.

I was "stopped" by Germ for "speeding" . LOL

At first it was super hard to start cycling the double bike cause its so heavy and I had to steer since the back handlebars cannot steer the bike. But at last we made it!!! But we could not find anybody. So we cycled from area C to E and to B, back to C and then to D and back to C. Whoah.
Oh the rental was okay. Its $8 per double bike for two hours so if we shared cost each person only has to pay $4. :D We met Gladys, Nikki , Rachel and Ogin while cycling.

After getting a drink, we took the picnic mat to sit by the seaside. It was super windy by then. We burried our legs in the sand ( I know tats a bit random) and talked and talked and talked.

By then it was 6+ alr so we went back to picnic table. I could not stay for the dinner so I went back first with Mel. Cause my dad came from Changi Airport after picking my sister's friend up so its convinient to fetch us back. But there was not enough space so only can tompang one person. :P

Tired now lehs. Tomorrow still have training. :P


.Wednesday, June 3, 2009 ' 8:39 PM Y

Time pass so fast today.

Germ, Heather and Alicia (aka liangster) came. We met outside popular at 11.30 at TPY central.

Germ said she wanted to eat chicken rice, and I did not want the "groceries" in the cooler bag go bad, we pack chicken rice to my house to eat. LOL. They fell for it. It was definitely not groceries in the cooler bag but the cake haha.... My plan worked. :D

After lunch we went to my room and talked about our own topics. Germ - obviously NPCC , heather and alicia - responded to our topics, and I showed the pics of Malacca trip and the Ghost vedio we made during com studies. :D haha.. how scary..LOL

Oh then time "cut cake" for the birthday babies :D LOl I still "bu fang xin" to post the pics with ppl in it lehs. so heres the cake haha.....

Then we played impossible quiz and eventually got bored so we did personality test and played super stacker. Then we went back to my room and played scrable and talked about school. ( NP again germ ? :] )

Lastly we ate potato chips and watched Mr Bean (random) haha before everyone went home.
Hiaz. Time past so super fast. Tomorrow is Thursay. Gotta wake up early for training. haha



Age:have fun guessing
Hobbies: Playing guitar & Electone, Drawing, Blogging

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