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.Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ' 7:14 PM Y

hellowz. (Haha I dunno whats with that but thats what my sis has been doing recently.)
Anyway, she will be teaching tuition for the first time tomorrow and I must offer her my full support by not annoying and "kachiaoing" her tonite like I usually do. ahahaha....

Todays test and pop quiz was quite okay. But the home ec lesson was a mess. I kept dropping my needle and had to rethread it. The penguin's head also turned out kinda flat. haha. Mrs Fernandez say we are going to cook again next week. Yay!

I check my e-progress again and turned out that my best subject is ..........History???
Yep. I din believe it. And I din "destroy" my math like I ALWAYS do since primary school. I have never liked math lorh. I find math super duper annoying. My tuition teacher who brought up my math frm almost C to B to A went overseas to study medicine alr.

I love my new blogskin!!! Its so cute and bright. It is also not as plain as the old one.

BTW, I check the PCPS website and turned out that the new pricipal really made really really BIG changes to the sch. True enough, the sch value and vision is really changed. I prefer the old stuff though. More homely. Now see the website like so “陌生” like that.

Anyway, go this webbie if you are absolutely free, its quite interesting and its " powered" my my aunt's husband. My cute little cousin is on it too.

Cheers :D


.Monday, March 30, 2009 ' 9:07 PM Y

Today was the 3angles grand finals. And part of CO went to watch and support. ZhengYi's team got 1st!!! yayay! But everyone , especially Mei Lin and Abi did really well. :)
Anyway I saw Andrea, Cheryl , Khai Shing and Rachel Er there!
So cool right? Haha... Andrea asked me where my glasses were:D

BTW, although I got A1 for my last HCL test, it is reflected as E8 in the e progress. I dunno why. I think it is based on the first diagnostic test :( Mr Teo said there might be a mistake in the system though.

K lah. I shall not waste too much time on this, gotta study for hist. test.


.Sunday, March 29, 2009 ' 5:18 PM Y

Yay! I am done with my homework and studied a little for the hist. test after I got the relay call.

I changed the blogskin and its so nice!!! I even made the links work!!! Yay!!!
Anyway I have not been dating Timmy! Date someone who lives with me??!! And I'm not even 13 yet larh.
I'm only joking. Its so obvious who he is. Timmy is my dog. He is a Yorkie from Australia who is handsome and cute. LOl!!! hahahaha....


. ' 8:03 AM Y

Yesterday after gym, I had to rush home to shower, eat and prepare to go to church.
At 2.oopm, we had this  “马可福音圣经比赛”。All the quizz questions were in chinese and I did terribly. I only got 6/20. :( Partially becuase I don't really know the places and people in the bible in chinese.
Then after that, we had one more hour before the CG orientation. I went with Xin Hui, who is older than me by a few years to the clubhouse, a small but cozy little room where they hold prayer meetings to just sit around until the event starts.

AT 5+ we gathered at the multi-purpose hall and the CG leader started the games. We played dog and bone first. Followed by The peanut game, and the non-verbal broken telephone, which was, in my opinion, the best game of the three.
We ended off with dinner - steamboat prepared by the food ICs.

The dinner ended at about 8.30, so I went home in time to "experience" earth hour.


.Friday, March 27, 2009 ' 8:44 PM Y

Hi. I'm posting again cause Germ say I'm not posting enough. Actually its because I am doing the "sunzhongshan" thing and its so difficult!!!

Anyway, have not seen anyone frm 6A'08 for very long. The last person I saw was Sally on 151 the other day but she din notice me. :P Ther's b'dae is in May, which is coming er, in 1 month +.
Most guys in 6A went to very in a way er, unexpected CCAs. Many join choir!!!

Class gathering is said to be in June. I hope its at the beach then I can bring Timmy along. :D I hope it doesn't clash with my church's AGAPE concert though.
But if we have barbeque I can't wear contacts to the gathering. But who cares. As long as can meet frens again.

BTW, you all know who Timmy is rite? He's the one I've been referring to as the handsome and talented australian guy who is popular among my Pri Sch frens. haha, if you don't you can guess.


. ' 5:46 PM Y

Today was the spirit of the class competition.
Although we might not win, I think we have a great cheer and everyone was great. Yay Co! We had actually decided to wear caps for the performance but in the end we did not. Instead, the ppl standing on the left tied our hair to the left and the ppl on the right tie theirs to the right.

I skipped lunch for the forth time of this week. Tues was because of the supplementary history, Wed- sports heats, Thurs- CCA and today, we had to practice our cheer through lunch.

Anyway, my sister got into NUS!!!! Best Uni in S'pore!!!


.Thursday, March 26, 2009 ' 6:03 PM Y

Yayy!!! Finally got A1 for my HCL!!! I think bio too!!!
So this concludes that my worst subject is stiil....Math...

Anyway, my sister and I are suddenly so obsessed with the Guitar these days. It all started when she taught me how to play " I'm your's" . Then she may be teaching me how to play" Lucky Feat" also by Jason Mraz. Can also play Superman " Five for Flying" with the same chords as I'm Your's . If you wanna play, here are the chords: G D Em C
(Hey PCPS ppl, I'm sure you know right?)
Its quite easy and fun.My sis can play "caihong" by jaychou. I can't cause that is too difficult and has chord F in it.

Anyway, we would be supporting Abi, Mei Lin and ZhengYi and Triangles finals on NYGS. 1CO has the Privillage cause 3 ppl in the finals!!!! yayay! JiaYou CO!!!!


.Saturday, March 21, 2009 ' 1:45 PM Y

Today Gym was four hours. So tired now. Yet I'm using com. haha. Actually, Sat. Gym is always 4hrs.
The cylinder thing isn't that bad after all. Back Drop is worse. Luckily we did't do it today. Mariam so pro lorh. She can jump so high and do all the stuns including Back Drop.

My sis just taught me how to play " I'm Yours" on the Guitar. Yay! haha.

But now I'm home alone. As usual. haha but Nvm.


. ' 1:18 PM Y

Here's the two hamsters.

This one is Uno. (Which means one in spanish) My dad calls Uno " One-eyed Jack"

Can't really see clearly but if you look at the second bar frm the right you can see that he is blind in one eye. He was like that when I "rescued" him ...

This one is Smartie. My sis's. It was sort of a birthday present frm her friends.

Smartie is more "photogenic" than Uno.
Cute right? But we can't put them in the same cage 'cause they might fight.


.Thursday, March 19, 2009 ' 2:29 PM Y

Woah.Holidays pass so fast.
Had gym agian today. I think I'm pretty bad at it. The back drop was disastrous. I kept landing somewhere around my neck and it hurt quite a bit. Then we did that cylinder thing again and I slipped of like ten thousand times. LOL Din seem to be able to concentrate today. I didn't really sleep last night.

On the plus side, I finished all my homework except for lang arts and that “读后感” thing. I think I quite slack alr. Must work harder. :P

Anyway,my sister is offering tuition to sec ones. All subjects except for History, HCL , CL and foreign language. (haha) Finished her A levels with good results and she wants to earn her "pocket money" and at the same time get job experience. She is currently also working at NUS admin (temp job while waiting for uni posting) . I had my first "tuition" with my sis last night and it was really good. (I'm not advertising k, its true)

I miss 6A' 08 ppl leh. Must wait till june. :(

ok, got to go liao. Bye. XD


.Friday, March 13, 2009 ' 9:47 PM Y


Today many wierd stuff happened. First, I got my notes and scripts mixed up. When I was supposed to do the Chengyu presentation, I took out the script cards. There was supposed to be two cards but then noticed that one of then read " Diffusion and Osomosis" ... Luckily , I found the correct card. (lesson learnt: Next time, I will definitely not put my Sci notes with Chinese scripts...hahaha)

Then, Amirah said that my "expressionless face" looks scary and I look as if I'm insulted. Joy said I looked sien.( Thats right)Alexia said I look emo. Actually, its just an expressionless face! (PCPS ppl - Remember the typical you-know-who face?) hahahahaha........

Ok...Its alr. ten....I'm tired. Good night. hahahhaLOL


.Sunday, March 8, 2009 ' 9:24 AM Y


Anyway, visit my chinese blog to see the pics. of Malacca I posted. Though you can't see the faces. ( For safety reasons)

Here's the link:


.Friday, March 6, 2009 ' 6:19 PM Y

I'm starting to get a little MESSED UP!
I've done badly for HCL essay test, Bio Test and my Math Graded Assignment!!! Geog, History and lang Arts went quite well though. What a relief.
Anyway, have to wake up early for Gym tomorrow. I can't do the Sit-turn-sit thingy on the tramp. Meilin managed it the last lesson. She's so pro!

BTW, the movie we watched during CE today was really nice! But we didn't have time to watch all of it. :[

Gotta go alr, I've been slacking for like the whole of this week and I feel a bit guilty. :P


.Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ' 9:07 PM Y

Day 3:

On Day 3, we had to wake up so super early at 6.00. We were to go doen to breakfast by 7.
After another buffet breakfast, we went back to our rooms to tidy up. The teachers came to check our rooms before we checked out.

After that, we went to the Peranakan association to spend our remaining time in Malacca. We had a cooking demonstation by Chef Kenny Chan and got to sample the different "kueh" that he made.

Then, we learnt the dance , "Joget" . Following that, we went to look at how to play the Chongkat and the Cheekee. We also saw the beaded slippers and kebayas.

Lunch was at another Peranakan restaurant. This time, the food was quite spicy.
After Lunch , before departing Malacca, we were given half an hour at a local product shop.

Finally, it was time to leave. The four hour bus ride was a little dragging and most ppl fell asleep.

We reached school at about 7.05pm and went home.

Haha ~THE END~ hahahahah


.Sunday, March 1, 2009 ' 5:18 PM Y


Day 2 :

We woke up at about 6+ the next morning. My Hp alarm rung first at 6.oo sharp. Then Rosemary's at about 6.15. Then XinYing's a minute later. So we woke up and washed up. The morning call came at 6.30.

At 7.30, we went down for Buffet Breakfast at the hotel. yummm...
There was assorted bread( ok, that souded wierd) cereal, samosas, sausages, ommellete, porridge , juice etc.

After that filling breakfast, we went to the Baba Nyona Heritage which was a traditional Peranakan house and got lotsa info for PW.
Then, we visited the Cheng Hoon's Temple where we learnt about Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.
Next, we were given half an hour to walk around Jonker Street to get souvenirs and other stuff like snacks.

We went to a restuarant for a simple buffet lunch and there was Ice Cream!!!

Then, we went to Kanpong Indah to learn about malay culture. We had basketry and we made our own little baskets and I destroyed mine as the wood broke. :(
We also learnt how to play the Ghasing and witnessed rubber tapping. We felt the sap of the rubber tree and saw how rubber is being made.
Next up was the village house. We went inside to see how a piece of material can be worn in many ways. We learnt how to make Ketupat (dunno how to spell) and explored the house.

Finally, it was the much awaited River Cruise. It was REALLY fun. We waved at every single person we see (including statues, haha) and cheered on the boat. We also "bombed" the other classes and GR bombed us back.

We procceeded to Dragon Delux restaurant for a great dinner. We saw the double rainbow outside the restuarant while we were about to leave.

Lastly, we went back to the Hotel for the Debrief. Much surprisingly, we did not get the most enthu class award :( but instead the most diciplined class award.

Lights out that night was at 11.15 pm. That night,we were not as scared as we were on the first.

To be continued....



Age:have fun guessing
Hobbies: Playing guitar & Electone, Drawing, Blogging

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