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.Friday, November 27, 2009 ' 8:58 AM Y

Whoah, dead dead blog. I shall revive it!!! Muahaha..

I can hardly wait anymore. Only 8 days more to chalet!!! 9 days to 6A gathering!! Awesomeness! BBQ is really fun! Especially roasting the marshmallows haha.

Still, I have to finish my homework ASAP. Math is really hard so I did animal farm first.

Anyway, gym seems to have improved quite a bit for me. I don't DREAD it anymore. But..I hope I make it to competition at least as reserve.


.Friday, October 30, 2009 ' 2:53 PM Y

ohh...last day of school... Should i be happy? Not really actually. Trainings still on. D:

Yesterday's lower sec concert was really really awesome. I guess it is the most enjoyable thing apart from Malacca Trip. I think 1CO really did super well. We just did not have enough parent votest. Its the sweetest dance ever choreograhed by Xinying. haha and it was fun. The singers were also just awesome. :D Unforgettable experience really.

Anyway, according to Mrs Song, 1CO is definitely not staying as a class. :( Though I am not anyone significant in 1CO, I really think that there is a certain warmth about the class. (: I really miss how the class reps used to go " CO OI" and we would " OI" back. haha.. yeah I know its hardly a day. I think Malacca trip was still the best. I still remember how the class had tried to get the most enthu class award. (Actually, we didn't try. We are ALREADY the most enthu and awesomest class). And during the prize giving: "....and the most disciplined class goes to....1CO!
("HUHH?!") haha, that was funny.

Another moment to remember was the one on the return bus trip were the class started singing JADE AND GOLD, I'M YOURS, LOVE STORY and sang random stuff like twinkle twinkle little star when we were really left with nothing to sing. The people at the front waved Prawn crakers and oreo and it was kinda cute, so i took a picture. It should be in my Malacca trip album on facebook .

I think the talenttime really bonded the class a lot. It really was great fun. hehe

Oh yes, april fools. I remember how the class played the trick on Ms Chua and she fell for it. And how Mrs Yogee played one on us and WE fell for it. Best april fools by far :D

K, I shall go play facebook LOL haha.


.Thursday, October 22, 2009 ' 7:58 PM Y


Gosh, I have not updated in a long time. Lazy lehs.

Lower Sec concert is next week. k larh, quite exciting. 1CO shall be the AWESOMEST. oh wait, 1CO has ALWAYS been the awesomest hehehe....jia you for concert 1CO!!! We SHALL and we WILL get top 3. muahahaha...

Roller blading was quite fun that day, although I switched to double bike after 1 hour. heh. Cycling is alot easier than roller blading. bleh, I realise I can't survive a day without breaking something, tripping, or destroying something. lol

Anyway, nowadays is so so so hot. And I broke the fan. argh, and my house no air con. so I showered with cold water, hehe. Bubble tea seems so appealing now :P


.Thursday, October 15, 2009 ' 2:24 PM Y

Wahaha...exams over but tomorrow is the results. :/

Yesterday and today was history excursion. It can't be descibed as "fun" but it was really interesting.

yesterday went for the battlefields one. The bukit chandu one was really interesting. Especially the sounds of battle. It was also quite scary larhs, Most of the time, it was pitch dark and you hear screaming, crying, bomb explosions and gunshots. Kinda creepy at the part with the crying baby. I used to think old ford factory was dark but compared to sounds of battle, it was relatively bright.

The changi chapel was quite ok. But it started raining super heavily before Kranji waar memorial. Got some of the rain so I am having a bad headache. The bad thing is, after the rain, the grass was crawling with what seemed like hundreds of earthworms. Goodness, I haven't see so many at the same time in my life. :P

Today was the singapore museum. The history gallery was quite cool larhs. Advanced technology and vivid decorations haha..

bleh, super worried for math and history larhs, hopefully can get straight As lehs, den can get the scholarship fund .

Hmm..looks as if it is about to rain...


.Tuesday, October 13, 2009 ' 8:11 AM Y

muahaha....exams are over!!!
And I have like 10000 things I wanna do hehe..

Went to watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs in 3D yesterday. I was really really good. I think many people would think that its some boring kid show but the storyline is great. I don't think young kids would understand it anyway. There were even JC ppl watching it :D

Missed playing electone :) So I shall go play in a while ;D


.Saturday, September 26, 2009 ' 11:14 AM Y

OO.. dead dead blog...

Gosh I am posting so little now but got lots to say today. :)

That day in school, we experienced a strage but rather awesome phenomenon. It was flag raising. Half the sky was blue and half was orange. There was a tinge of grey at the corner. Then when flag raising started, the grey "tinge" spread super fast. By the time we reached half the school song, the whole place was already dark. And then when flag raising was over, the wind was super strong and the banners were flipping like mad. Er..then many people screamed...(: somehow..

Anyway, GOT THE CHALET THIS YEAR!!!!!!!! Oh gosh finally. hahaha. So so excited. I've even started a countdown list. I think 70sth more days to go. Started counting down at 84 days. Better then when counting down for Aryi's trip... it was 109 days then. Still, must get through the terrifying EOYs and not to mention yeah people whom I have told will noe what I have to put up with after EOYs. :D

Oh man...worried about my maths lehs... so difficult larhs. 9 CHAPTERS!!!! Worse of all ALGEBRA!!! SIEN!

Arg.. at least theres sth for me to look forward to....

Anyway, I found out that there are many guitar PROs in 1CO. haha. I want to "bai ta men wei shi" hehe...

Hiaz...must go study liao larh. haha byes...


.Saturday, September 5, 2009 ' 5:34 PM Y

Woah. Have not posted in a really really long time.

Haha, exams coming :(

Last saturday went to church event : Cooking Mama Come to Life!
Its special CG program and started at 5. Usually I can't go CG cos of CCA haha. It was sort of a BBQ competition in which we had to find clues to exchange for ingredients and cook food according to some themes. haha it was very fun (: And I found out that honey sausages it very nice LOL

Anyway, that day went out with heather, germ and Xinying after going back to pcps. Actually, we only went to eat subway hahaha...

k larhs gotta go.

PS. I am watching G-force this week :)



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